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How Important Is Your eBook Cover, Really?

Have you ever wondered if the cover of your eBook is really all that important? Find out the truth here!

eBook Cover Images: Are They Really That Important?

So how important is your eBook cover?

One of the very first things a reader comes across when they're browsing through an online eBook retailer is your eBook cover image. So, therefore, whatever this cover image is, it is your very first opportunity to attract a prospective reader's attention.

This alone means that it's VERY important!

Whether you're a first-time author publishing your very first eBook, or an elite, veteran writer who has already gained a noteworthy following, and whether fiction or nonfiction is your specialty, the cover of your eBook (or paperback, or hardcover) is ALWAYS going to be a highly important detail!

Your book cover is the very first thing that any prospective reader sees and therefore, you should ensure that it makes a lasting impression on whoever happens to come across it. This is especially important if your'e a newer author, one who is attempting to burst out on the writing scene and make a name for yourself in the writing world.

Fiction eBook Covers

Okay, so if you're a fiction writer (like myself:) ) then you are most likely much better off designing a cover for your book that relates to the actual story genre you are writing in.

For instance, you might not want to have a bright red pretty heart on your cover if your story is a dark fantasy about a black demon who steals the souls of male children. Right?

Or if your fictional manuscript is about a beautiful blue-eyed, blonde-haired, pretty pink dress-clad fairy tale princess who meets a handsome prince from a faraway land, then you might not want to have an eBook cover with a bloody cross and a black skull on it.

Your eBook cover should represent the actual genre, niche and/or content of your book.

If your story is about a serial killer who murders women with fiery red hair, then perhaps your eBook cover should have a red headed woman with a knife in her back (or in her chest) on the cover.

Or if it's a clean, Christian novel about a young man who meets his soul mate while studying to be a scientist in college, perhaps a picture of a graduated cylinder inside of a pink or red heart would make a good cover image idea.

Nonfiction eBook Cover Images

If you're a nonfiction author, coming up with eBook cover ideas can be a challenging feat--depending on what your specific niche is.

for instance, if your nonfiction eBook is about the benefits of the Paleo Diet, then you might not want to have an image of cupcakes, pies and othe rsweets on your cover. That would be misleading, of course.

Perhaps a photograph of a caveman and a bison would make a good comical eBook cover idea, or maybe even a picture of a fully-prepared, colofrul, delicious-looking Paleo Diet-based recipe.

If your nonfiction book is about an exercise plan, a photo of an elliptical machine or an exercise bike might make a good eBook cover selection.

The Bottom Line:

Regardless if whether you are a fiction or nonfiction writer, making the cover of your eBook (or physical book) should represent its content and should also capture the attention of your prospective readers.

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