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Fiction or Non-Fiction? That is the Question

Fiction or Non-Fiction? That's the question here.

Are you a new author? Are you possibly thinking about becoming a published author? Or perhaps you only write as a hobby?

Whether you write for fun or for money, (or perhaps a bit of both) if you do decide to start trying to earn a passive income as an author, one of the first questions you will need to ask yourself is: Should I write fiction or non-fiction?


If you have at least an elementary level education, chances are, you are well-aware what fiction is. Basically, a fictional story is a made-up story. It can realistic fiction, where your story is based on things that could actually happen in real-life. Or, you can choose to write fiction that involves a fantasy world, and fantasy creatures, or supernatural beings, etc...

The choice is yours.

When writing fiction, there are numerous genres you can write in. What's your passion? Ask yourself: do you enjoy writing romance stories? Stories about the paranormal? Sci-fi/fantasy stories? Or perhaps even horror stories? Or maybe you like writing realistic drama?

These are just some of the fiction genres out there, as there are many, many more. If you enjoy writing made-up stories and creating your own characters and storylines, then fiction may be the best route for you to go.


Again, I'm pretty sure you already know that non-fiction includes: true stories, true content, or content that is based on real-life. Some non-fiction genres can include: DIY books, self-improvement books, historical events, cookbooks, How-To Books, True Crime, and etc...

Again, these are only a few genres in the non-fiction realm. There are many, many more.

If you happen to be a person with a lot knowledge about certain topics or subjects, or an expert in a certain area, or perhaps you just have very strong opinion about something you're extremely passionate about? Then, nonfiction just might be the niche for you.

There are also people out there who are multi-talented and can write both fiction and nonfiction. Kudos to you if this is you!

In my next blog, I think I'll discuss a little bit about ghostwriting, so stay tuned and check back often :)

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